E-sign Your Monthly Breaks
PMSA Employees are required to take a paid 10-minute “duty free” and uninterrupted REST BREAK for every 4 hours worked. In addition, our employees are required to take an unpaid 30-minute “duty free” and uninterrupted MEAL BREAK for every 5 hours worked.
By proceeding with this e-sign, you hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that you have read the above requirements and fully understand the language and manner as it is written and further certify, under penalty of perjury, that you have taken ALL required MEAL BREAKS and REST BREAKS throughout your employment with Parking Management Services of America (PMSA) for the selected month of the current calendar year. Furthermore, you declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the state of California, that you have not been asked to perform work that is unsafe or unlawful; that you have not suffered any injury (failure to notify PMSA of injuries may result in delay or denial of benefits) or unacceptable condition of employment during the month referenced above.
By proceeding to the e-sign, you certify to PMSA that your are voluntarily completing this form WITHOUT COERCION OR DURESS OF ANY KIND.
Online E-sign is currently NOT available. PMSA employees need to contact their manager for e-sign instructions.